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Site Retired

As of May, 2022, this website is no longer updated and has been replaced with a static copy.

Stanford Sites Update, July 2018

Starting July 12, new group and department websites requested on Stanford Sites will live in the cloud. These websites have new modules available to them. What are they and what do they do?


New modules

For new group and department websites created on or after July 12, 2018:

  • bigmenu: Allows direct access to submenu sections of a big menu, so links within a section can be managed without loading the whole global menu.

  • always_visible: Administrators can use this to override the visibility of menu items.

  • chosen: Makes <select> elements more user-friendly. This is a jQuery plugin.

  • contextual_view_modes: Set view modes based off a context.

  • multiple_selects: Set up multiple select fields with an ‘Add another item button’.

  • switch: Add an iphone-like switch form element & widget.

  • video_embed_field and submodules: Embed videos and show a thumbnail preview using this new field.

  • view_unpublished: Allow specific user roles to view unpublished nodes of a specific type.

  • views_select_sort: Change the “weight” of each select list option and sort within the view.

View all included Drupal modules for group and department websites

New module highlights

There is one module in particular that brings some pretty neat functionality to the Stanford Sites platform:

view_unpublished: Use this when you have unpublished content that other people with editing powers need to review.

Why is this a big deal? The unpublished node's default allows only the author of that page to view in its unpublished state. By using view_unpublished, we can override that default.

For example: I have administrator privileges on my website and I write a blog post. My intern has a smaller set of privileges and is assigned a different role. I need her to proofread and add images. Enabling the view_unpublished module and adding that permission to her role will allow her to view the unpublished item.

Removed modules

  • stanford_metatag_nobots: We retired this service in Fall 2016. Read more about this change on our blog.

  • mollom: Mollom was used to help prevent spam submissions on forms, but it's come to its end of life. We recommend using Honeypot now for your spam prevention needs.

Learn more about the move to the cloud
